DGS-ALS - New Lines for Main Alias Code DGS-ALSMOD - RBBS Lines Modified for Alias Support DGS-ALSNM - New Lines used to Provide Mail Notification w/Aliases DGS-MNMOD - RBBS Lines Modified to Support Mail Notification w/Aliases This Mod adds the ability to Support Aliases to RBBS-PC 17.1A Aliases Are turned on/off by having/not having a file with the extension, A.Def, using the Message Files Name as in ADULTA.DEF for the Adult Conference/SubBoard. It is located on the Same Drive/Path as the conferences Users File. There are 3 modules added to the code. DGSALIAS is used to Get or Create a Users Alias. GOODALS is used to make sure that the users requested Alias does not exist and is not another users Real Name. * Also Ensures 'SYSOP' and Sysops Name are not Attempted. * ALIASCHK is used to support the RBBS Mail Notification feature. Related code is contained in - RBBS-PC.Bas - changes near lines - 178, 800, 1920, 1935, 3950, 5301, 5327, 5345, 5350, 5380 RBBSSUB1.Bas - contains the DGSALIAS and GOODALS Modules. These Routines could be placed in any RBBSSUB program. RBBSSUB2.Bas - contains ALIASCHK placed just below WHOCHECK. other changes near lines - 1250, 10987 Further Notes - The Alias Mod looks for an appropriate DEF file for the conference or subboard. If found it looks for the users record and associated alias. If found it returns and sets up the users name to be the alias. It will treat mail to original name or alias as belonging to the user. If an Alias is NOT found in the Alias file the user is prompted as to whether they want to use one. If no the alias is set to their real name. If the user answers yes, they will be prompted for the alias to use. Alias Limits - Max 31 Character Length, may NOT be Blank, can NOT be 'SYSOP', or the Sysop's Name. Duplicate Aliases are checked and stopped. No real user name shown in the Alias file can be used as another persons alias. This prevents someone Entering mail as someone else or being able to read another users personal mail. Conference Mail Scan is Supported, The Real User Name, at Logon will be notified if anyone has left mail to either their real name or their Alias.